As I inch ever closer to my departure date, leaving China
and everything I've built up behind, I focus more and more on where I'd like to
end up. Well, not specifically where, but trying to find a place with all
desired qualities a vagabond could want.
Lots of travel options with interesing
No restrictions on traveling or lodging while
doing so.
A means to support myself while there.
Relatively low cost of living.
A degree of physical safety.
A lot of countries in the Middle East are out of the
running. As an unattached (as in: no accompanying male) Caucasian female, my moves and
activities might be severely curtailed. Also, my physical safety could be
compromised, if news reports are to be believed.
I am open to other countries in Asia, but I have to consider
my health. My finicky stomach might find it difficult to adapt to local foods,
so I am inclined to seek locations that have a Metro store, where I can buy
foods that work well with my body. According to the Metro website, that leaves
only India, Japan and Vietnam as options.
Certain countries in South America sound appealing, like
Ecuador – which boasts a large expat population and is in Eastern Standard time
zone; or Uruguay, the most progressive of South American countries, but there
are few travel options, and no trains.
How can one vagabond around with no trains?
Africa: while some countries on the west coast sound
appealing, I worry about food and physical safety. I would want to stay away
from central and eastern countries as they are in political turmoil and scored
with violence. South Africa might have been a suitable destination a year ago;
since then it has become politically unstable.
Western Europe fits the bill well: lots of trains and plenty
of enticing destinations, suitable diet, generally safe. I can find work there,
but the cost of living tends to be high. Still, I think I could manage it. If
I am finding a disturbing global trend: a reversion to
nationalism with a populist undertone.
Since the Brexit vote last year, and emphasized by Mr.
Trump's 'America first!' rallying cry, more and more countries are turning away
from openness and inter-nations cooperation. Far right politics are coming to
the forefront: France's Marine LePen stands strong in the polls, poised to lead
her country into a shuttering of global policy. She espouses a 'France First!'
Germany is also seeing a move toward nationalism. Angela
Merkel is under heavy fire from other political parties within her country (and
from America) for having thrown the doors open to Syrian refugees at the height
of the crisis. Her opponents maintain that refugees taking more and more social
welfare takes away from German citizens who have paid into that system and are
rightly entitled to benefits.
The emerging sentiment on that continent is that the
European Union is undervaluing individual nations' solidarity.
Even Europe's more open, progressive countries are starting
to close their borders. Friendly Denmark's
immigrants are currently suffering race-motivated attacks from natural
born citizens. Sweden is pondering their citizenship policies in an attempt to
cull out undesirables who might want to settle there. And Britain, who led the
nationalist ticket with Brexit – are deporting more people faster. Meanwhile,
hate crimes are on the rise all over the place.
What does all of this mean for this vagabond, who is, at
heart, a global citizen? Who fervently wishes there were an actual status, a
document, a law, a passport, proclaiming her as such?
What is happening in the world is a total reversal of
everything civilization and politics stands for. Think about it: as children,
weren't we taught to share and share alike? Isn't that something we, in turn,
teach our children? And how does this philosophy play out on the world stage?
All around the globe we're seeing (figurative) doors closing on the sharing
mentality. What is the point of global politics if each nation is only out for
Should we amend the lesson we teach our children to: “Share
only with your own kind.”?
The news reports are scary. Passengers flying into America
from overseas can be interrogated and/or detained, if not barred from entry
altogether. What will that mean for me, with 7 years of Chinese visas in my
passport? Will I also be interrogated? And what about having to hand over my
phone and give up social media passwords, as reported by the latest news?
A year from now, will my American passport be accepted in
other countries who are embracing nationalist views? Will they want or welcome
me? Will they permit me to work? To travel?
“My country first!” just might be the death knell of the
vagabond life.
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