Recently, Sam and Penny
made the hard decision to enroll their two-and-a-half year old daughter, Erica
in kindergarten.
By ‘kindergarten’ I mean
daycare, but not as it is known in America. Here, a child must be able to tell
caregivers she/he has to use the bathroom. That is the only requirement to
enrollment. That, and that the parents be able to pay, of course. Other
requirements such as pick up and drop off times, medical needs and other
considerations are negotiable.
Why was their decision
hard? Parents all over America and all over the world send their kids to
daycare all the time. Kids younger than Erica, even. My own Bun, now 9 months
old, spent a few weeks in daycare before Darrell and Sammi worked their
schedules out so that Bun can stay with either mommy or daddy, instead of being
consigned to strangers.
Traditional Chinese
culture dictates that a child stays within the family fold until mandated by
law to step into the world and start his/her formal education. Grandparents
from either side are enlisted, and delight in the care of their charges.
Sometimes the grandparents fight over the privilege of that ward. Other times
the baby’s parents fight over which of their parents will be accorded this
great privilege.
Not so in Sam and Penny’s
case. From Erica’s birth in 2010, theirs has been a struggle. Penny is a nurse.
Her work schedule consists of 12 hour, rotating shifts. Some days she might be
home, and some nights might see her gracing her abode. She usually gets one day
off between shift rotations. She might work a series of night shifts only to
have to return to the hospital for a mandatory daytime class to keep her
certification current. Either way this poor, exhausted young mother has a very
demanding professional life.
Sam’s job is not much
easier. In order to make ends meet he teaches at 2 different universities. Not
only does he have to make sure never to get overlapping schedules but he has to
make sure he is able to meet the demands of each institution he is contracted
to teach at. On top of his teaching duties at our university, he is responsible
for the foreign teachers, with all that that entails: their safely, comfort,
and administrative needs, to include registering us (Victor and me) with the
city officials every year. Fortunately for Sam, Victor and I are both good
foreigners, mostly taking care of ourselves.
If it were only a case of
Penny and Sam doing what young parents all over China struggle with, there
might not be a blog entry. Their situation is exacerbated by the fact that none
of the grandparents live within commuting range of the young couple. They all
live about 2 hours away.
Usually that would be no
problem. A schedule would be worked out in which this grandmother or that one
would come stay with the family, caring for the baby. Of course, the
grandfather pitches in. Penny’s side of the family does not have a grandfather
to offer up, but there are a few aunts and uncles that can pinch hit when
Sam and Penny have tried
every combination of live in help during Erica’s short life. Those solutions
proved only short term. Penny’s mother was uncomfortable away from her town,
province and home. Sam was just as uncomfortable with his mother in law in the
house, not being familiar with the customs of her village and the routine of
her life. Sam’s parents have stepped up to bat more than once but both of them
have thriving businesses of their own and could not stay away long term.
Besides, Penny and her mother in law didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things.
The aunts and uncles could only help so much because they had their own lives
to live and jobs to work.
Baby Erica ended up being
shuttled to one grandparent’s house after the other. Penny ached to hold her
child. Sam was… stoic. In the thick of family fights and expected to be the
voice of reason, he had little time to indulge in his heart’s yearning for his
small girl. At times, forlornly, he would confess: “I miss her…”
I knew things were
getting bad for him last year, when out shopping with me. My first question was
why he volunteered to take me shopping in the first place: he, an avowed
detester of the sport. Not being one to look at gift horse in the mouth, or,
more aptly said: to turn down a friend with whom I’ve gotten to while precious
little time with, we spent the day together. Being ever conscious of how little
free time he has, I rushed through my purchases, sure that he wanted to be
home. Imagine my thoughts when he flat out said: “I don’t want to go home.
There are too many people there.”
That’s bad. A man who
seldom sees the wife he adores, gets to enjoy his baby even less often than he
gets to see his wife… and does not want to be home with them?
After two and a half
years, both of them were at a breaking point, but for different reasons. What
did it for Sam was the night that Penny spent crying for the longing of her
child, so often absent. No matter what, he resolved to find a way that his
child’s mother would never spend another night in tears.
He looked into daycare, a
state-certified campus close to his home. Not only did he find it satisfactory
but the price was actually much less than he thought it would be: about 500Yuan
a month, plus the cost of food. There were openings and, after a successful
interview, Erica was accepted and enrolled.
Last week was her first week
there. Tremulous and trepidant, Sam deposited his future’s legacy into the
competent arms of these caregivers. Anxious at her reaction to this new
environment he called to her as she toddled into the fray of children: “Daddy
has to leave now!” She turned and waved bye-bye, not a tear in her eye.
All day he kept a nervous
eye on his phone. Not a single call from the daycare. That evening he picked
her up. “Baba!” she shouted, smiling. She rushed to him. Only the strictest
standard of decorum kept his eyes dry but there are no edicts about hearts
soaring. His flew to the heavens. Walking home together, father and daughter,
he listened to her jabber about her first day among new friends.
At times Sam has
confessed that Erica can be a naughty little girl. More specifically she is
quite clever. Knowing her time with her parents is limited, she resorts to pity
tactics to gain physical closeness. “My leg hurts”, she would say. Some days it
would be a stomach ache and other days she would feign sleepiness to get her
parents to carry her. In her own way, I’m guessing Erica was expressing missing
Mommy and Daddy as much as they missed her. Since she started daycare she has
not had any sore legs, stomachs or excess fatigue.
This break from tradition,
daycare, is not good only for Baby Erica. A few days into the experiment Penny
marveled: “Look at us! We are just a family of 3, making our life our way.”
Sam, at peace now that his baby is happy, his wife is content and he gets to
bask in his loves, echoes her sentiment. Sure, they have hard times and they
have to juggle things around but they’re making it work, and they’re doing it
together. That alone takes their relationship to a whole new level.
Sam and Penny are just
one couple who is finding that breaking with tradition is a satisfying option.
Chris and Julia, another couple who teach at our school (See The Great Baby
Race, posted April last year) have ‘fired’ both Chris’ parents and Julia’s.
They have a nanny come in 5 days per week to care for their baby Eddie and do
light housekeeping. Julia stopped by recently, telling me of this new
development. She and Chris are ecstatic at running their household their way,
with no parental interference. I’m guessing that, once Eddie is old enough to
use the bathroom on his own, he too will go to daycare.
These daycares are a
burgeoning business all over China. As more young couples opt for this
relatively modern childcare choice, more and more centers are springing up. But
what happens with the grandparents, denied their charges? Or, more
specifically: denied their due of caring for their grandchild?
I don’t have enough
information to answer that. What I can speculate on is that, with fewer
grandparents pandering to their grandchildren, the reign of ‘Little Emperors’ –
children with 2 sets of grandparents indulging their every whim is going to be
short lived. Those of us who dreaded the thought of teaching those entitled
little emperors are actually pretty happy about that.
By the way: I had the
honor of giving Baby Erica and Little Eddie their English names. As they grow
into them we find their names suit them very well. Do I have a thing for ‘E’
names, or was it just coincidence?