My title choices;
‘potpourri’, ‘pot-luck’ and this one. The first translates into ‘rotten pot’,
although its meaning is quite fragrant. Don’t want any allusion to rot attached
to this blog. The second implies a hit and miss scenario, although most times,
pot luck brings hits. Being as this is not about food, I couldn’t bring myself
to suggest it. Mish mash it is, then.
I’m realizing my greatest
fear: topics I’d like to write about have already been embraced. Three years is
a long time to blog and posting on average two to three entries a week covers a
lot of ground. Some things I’ve written about previously have recently been
revisited in a whole new light. More experienced, I find what I’ve written
before is either not entirely accurate or should be expanded or expounded on.
This entry will be a
mish-mash of things already discussed. Short tidbits with reference back to the
original discussion. Only the last topic will be new, and it will be a doozy.
I have to say: as a
reporter on China and lifestyle of the Chinese, I’ve not done too badly. As a
vagabond, I’ve failed miserably. For nearly two months out of my three month
break I’ve been nowhere. In part because of travel papers not in order, in part
because of health discomforts. Some of my ‘going nowhere’ is due to weather, but
also because I’m just so darn comfortable at home.
I wish I had been able
meet my volunteer commitment with Operation Smile.
In typical Chinese
fashion, we were all agreed and excited about meeting up and helping children
with cleft palates gain ability to eat and smile. Come time for me to join the
mission I emailed the team, asking how I should meet up with them once I arrive
in Qianxi, the city we were to operate in. I had no contact information other
than one email address. Somehow I couldn’t imagine perching atop a city bus as
it cruises through town, shouting at the top of my lungs: “Operation Smile
Team!! Where are you???”
I never received an
answer to that email. Regrettably, this is the Chinese way. There is even a
phrase for it: bian (be-yen). It means ‘change’ literally, but the implication
is that one is to be flexible, like bamboo. Bending to times and circumstances
is ingrained in the Chinese, much to the frustration of Westerners in general
and this one in particular. Planning and making appointments are practically
unknown concepts. See the ‘Peeling the Cultural Onion’ entry, posted September
2012. Next year I will again offer my services as a volunteer. Let’s hope the
effort is better coordinated.
Let’s reach into the
mish-mash bag again, see what comes out.
People who are
handicapped. When I first came here and several times since, I have reported on
the social stigma against those who are handicapped. Human Rights, posted
December 2011 is one such entry, as is Frank’s Question, posted February of
this year. The initial mention of stigma against the handicapped was in an
entry titled Tulip, posted way back in December 2010.
In the 3 years I’ve been
here, there has been a decided turnabout with regard to the handicapped. Our
own school has enrolled no fewer than three students who have visible physical
challenges: cerebral palsy, dwarfism and spina bifida. Although our school has
yet to install ramps and elevators, or even convert dorm rooms and restrooms to
accommodate those with physical challenges, in town these changes are already
happening. Many malls and grocery stores have restrooms for males, females and
now for handicapped, with fixtures for both men and women, and large enough to
accommodate wheelchairs.
Today I rode a bus with a
dedicated spot reserved for wheelchairs and a hydraulic ramp for easy boarding.
This is not the first time I’ve seen such a bus. It seems all new buses in the
Wuhan fleet are so outfitted. I’ve yet to actually see a person who is
wheelchair bound ride a bus, but it is certainly encouraging that the world is
expanding for those formerly rejected by society. Perhaps, in the near future,
there might actually be a person who is paraplegic working in a government position.
One can hope, no?
Last year I was on fire
with the need to contrast/compare elder care in the states versus China. (See
‘Here and There, Elder Care’ entry, posted August 2012). As I recall I painted
a very bleak picture of life as an elder in China, and quite often I’ve felt
that all the reverence heaped on me due to my age made me feel stupid, useless
and old.
Although many of my
recountings are fact, some aspects of eldercare and life as an elder in China
have since changed. For one, seniors get to ride the bus for free. They are
issued a special pass which, when presented to the card reader announces a ‘lao
ren’ – ‘old person’, literally has just boarded the bus. Younger passengers are
expected to yield their seat to the elderly. More and more, that doesn’t
happen. How sad.
Right now, living and
daycare centers for elderly are filling up faster than they can be built. On
television, seniors report an improvement in their quality of life stemming
from these centers and amenities, even as the programs challenge the growing
question: who should care for the elderly?
Going hand in hand with
the issue of the elderly is the recent hike of mandatory retirement age. For
men it is now age 60, up from age 55 just a few years ago. Women can retire at
age 55, also up 5 years from previous regulation. One of the reasons is lack of
family taking responsibility and the other is a newly founded social security
Currently there are more
elderly than tax payers, and sociologists project the number of retirees to
outnumber workers by 5 to 1 in about twenty years. Factor in rising medical
costs and cost of living, year by year aging is becoming a more expensive
proposition. And people are living longer.
China is now experiencing
many challenges America has been facing with regard to eldercare. Surely there
will be more changes with regard to the question of eldercare but for now, the
difference in awareness alone is a huge step in the right direction for China.
Wrapping things up: the
The weather is wreaking
havoc in China. To the Southwest there have been heavy rains, mudslides and
entire villages flooded out. In the safety and comfort of my air conditioned
home I watch rescue operations, the military and police as they ford waist and
chest deep torrents, clinging to guide ropes lest they too get swept away. Not
only are they cradling elderly and small children out of sure death scenarios
and guiding able bodied out, but they are taking time to salvage personal
possessions. How compassionate! I wish I could help them.
This year vagabonding
presents certain challenges. If I head southwest I will be in landslide and
flood evacuation country. Going southeast, Shanghai and the like, they are
suffering their hottest summer on record. Ditto for heading north. Northeast is
recovering from a severe earthquake, as is the south. Where to vagabond safely?
It seems the safest place
to be is right here, in my air conditioned home. That is not good enough.
I go out, riding buses.
They are air conditioned. I’ve been to new places and places I’ve visited
before, when I first came here and had no idea where ‘here’ was.
Worn Down Mountain
included (MoShan in Chinese). You’ll remember this locale from the ‘Vanished!’
entry, posted June 2011. Zhanny and I tried to get there but a number of factors
got in the way, culminating in her purse getting stolen.
I had no idea I had
already been to MoShan the first few months I’d been here, while seeking the
botanical gardens. Had I realized where it was at, Zhanny and I would have had
no problem getting there.
Now for the last: 6 weeks
from now is when you’ll see us again.
I’m finally taking off,
this time for a whole month. Visiting this friend here and that group of
friends there, culminating in a weeklong cruise down the Yangtze River through
Three Gorges Dam. After that, school starts and if you really want to know how
that goes, please direct yourself to the September 2010 entries. Except for the
loss, disconnection and bewilderment of that first year, the activities will be
the same. No need for me to rehash them. Part of this long silence will be
spent writing up the things I experience while traveling. There will be plenty
to read about upon our return.
We hope you find this
post entertaining and interesting, and we certainly hope you are having a good
summer. As the song says: See you Mid-September!